Relaunched Application Database Makes It Easy to Search for Homogenization Resources

March 7, 2023

When it comes to accessing resources, supplies, and data, laboratory workers need efficiency and ease. OMNI International provides reliable, high-quality bead mills, rotor-stator homogenizers, sonicators, and accessories to laboratories across the world, but our real mission is providing tools that make sample prep faster, easier, and repeatable – in the lab and in the field.

Our recently relaunched database of homogenization applications and protocols is now fully searchable and growing by up to 50 new documents a week, including peer-reviewed articles and scientific publications across the research landscape. You will probably find it in our updated application database if you need information on the best tools for preparing a difficult or unusual sample type or want to learn more about how our products are used.


With a library of research articles, protocols, and application notes that has been growing since 2005, OMNI’s application database includes hundreds of PDFs available for download and links to other relevant papers.

While some application notes are created in-house, the database also includes a wide variety of peer-reviewed articles on OMNI products and applications from Google Scholar.

Now you can search by:

  • Record type
  • Analyte
  • Product family
  • Application
  • Market segment
  • Sample matrix
  • Sample type


The OMNI International team is dedicated to serving our clients as more than a source of equipment. Our products are used across the world in a wide variety of applications. The OMNI database is a resource to researchers and laboratory technicians whose work drives a continuously expanding body of research and scientific advancement that we are proud to support.

The variety of sample preparation challenges and novel applications in the OMNI database includes:

  • Rhino feces samples: processed in the field using a handheld, battery-operated homogenizer
  • Ancestral DNA
  • Bovine liver
  • Bullfrog teeth
  • Cannabis
  • Circuit boards
  • Pork fat worms
  • Whale blubber


At OMNI International, our tools are built to streamline laboratories' day-to-day needs and challenges worldwide, with a wide range of processing applications, from fieldwork to multi-sample automation. With easy-to-use features and patented processes, our homogenizers are built to make your work easier, whether you’re processing one or hundreds of samples.

Contact us if you would like to see how the OMNI Bead Ruptor Elite or one of our other products will work for your lab. Our product experts will speak with you to understand your application and arrange for a demo to be sent to your facility that can be used for up to a week – alternatively, send us your sample and we’ll process it and provide you with a full report with photographs. There is no charge for these services.


For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.